3D city of London, United Kingdom. Hi-tech smart city. 3D rendering.

London Tech Week 2024: Our preview

London Tech Week is regarded as the standout event for the capital’s bustling tech scene. While focused on the innovation and entrepreneurial potential on offer across established and high-growth sectors, London Tech Week is very much an international event. It gives investors and foreign entities a snapshot into London’s leading trends, and reinforces the capital’s position as a renowned tech hub.

The Tech Department at The PHA Group will be attending the event over the course of the week to engage with clients and uncover new, exciting areas for growth. As part of this, the department has offered their insights into what topics and themes they will be on the lookout for, informed by the work they are conducting with our clients on a daily basis.

“There’s no denying the challenges faced by tech companies raising funding. The fundraising market is risk averse, a marked shift away from sky high valuations and record breaking funding rounds on display a few years ago. I’m keen to hear how tech companies are overcoming this obstacle, and what VCs and PEs are looking for when expanding their portfolio. On the latter, what are the upcoming sectors that are exciting investors? Is there an appetite for sectors like AI and Web3, or are investors gravitating towards companies proven in concept, and generating revenue? The speakers and agenda and London Tech Week brings together diverse perspectives to deliver timely insight into these issues.

Rhys Merrett, Head of Technology PR

“In 2023, no tech event was complete without a session on AI – be that regulation speculation or practical applications. In 2024, it’s great to see London Tech Week shining the light on a variety of thriving sectors. The agenda covers everything from raising investment and scaling a tech business to sector-specific trends. Of those, I’m particularly interested in the applications of Open Banking, so will be keen to see what comes out of the discussions around the future of embedded finance.”

Sarah Poynder, Account Director

“I’m really looking forward to the Fireside chat on The Future of Fem Tech. The femtech space has been gaining momentum rapidly, as more startups and established companies are tackling issues related to women’s health, fertility, and wellness. This keynote talk will shed light on the innovations underway and where the industry is headed. From period tracking apps, to fertility solutions and beyond, femtech has the potential to empower women to have better opportunities and access, and improve standards for women’s health.”

Natalie Peat, Account Manager

“I’m most excited to attend the panel discussions at London Tech Week, particularly the one focused on Women in defence. Cybersecurity is still a very much male dominated industry and we need to uplift the voices of women and understand the power of diverse thinking when it comes to defending against threat actors.”

Saskia Hammond, Senior Account Executive

“London Tech Week 2024 is an incredible opportunity for the UK to showcase how it is leading the charge in the technology industry. While AI has become ubiquitous across industries, we have yet to see proper adoption of the technology to a point where its daily use is commonplace, secure and ethical. It will be interesting to see how tech leaders address current issues that have sprung from its use, as well as come together to develop solutions, especially following the AI Safety Summit. With London being a renowned fintech center, I am also looking forward to discussions in tech and finance that will propel the industry forward. Moreover, As an avid gamer, I am keen to see the talks from leaders in the gaming space.

Krishna Sharma, Senior Account Executive

2024 has seen businesses wake to the sheer number of cyber risks that face them. In a cyber-threat-heavy year, it has never been more crucial for the CISO and the rest of the C-suite to be on the same page. The panel discussion on mitigating losses and protecting businesses from data breaches, is therefore a great place to start. As the sophistication of cyberthreats continues to evolve, businesses can no longer afford to leave security as an afterthought. Cybersecurity needs to be made a business priority for every C-suite board to ensure that any chances and/or impact of future breaches is minimised.

Him Bajaj, Senior Account Executive

The tech scene has evolved rapidly over the last decade. Its growth in London is impressive and it will continue to be an important player for the global tech scene. There are significant opportunities for international companies looking to expand into the UK. The city also serves as a launchpad for local companies looking to expand globally.

London Tech Week offers a forum for industry-wide discussion, and we look forward to seeing what announcements are made and what lies on the horizon for the city.

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