Public Affairs

We live in changing times. Businesses and people are being impacted by political decision-making to a previously unimaginable extent. Seismic shifts such as Brexit and Covid mean it is more important than ever for you and your business to have a comprehensive understanding of the political landscape.

Public Affairs

Working with you, our Public Affairs team will identify the political relationships, regulatory changes, or policy positions which will directly impact your business. Then we will go to work on fostering relationships and interpreting policies on your behalf.

Our deep understanding of working with industry bodies, boards, CEOs, and founders means that our services are tailored to your needs.

For business owners, organisations and charities, we offer a suite of services which include analysing and strengthening your relationships with political stakeholders, as well ensuring that your voice is roundly heard in Westminster.

As the UK becomes increasingly devolved and the importance of local government intensifies, we will work with you to ensure that your political relationships are strong at every level.

Once we are familiar with your needs we will develop narrative-shifting strategic campaigns, drawing on our understanding of both politics and the media.

We appreciate that politics does not occur in a vacuum and this is why our campaigns are often intertwined with hard-hitting media engagement via our top-level contacts, to help solve issues and shift opinion.

Whether you want to work with the Government, influence legislation that has impacted you or be seen as a thought leader in Parliament, we have vast experience in highlighting your cause to the most senior policymakers.

Businesses and their leaders do not have to simply accept political change. Our integrated approach means you can become change-makers, too, and shape the political agenda to suit your needs.

Get in touch with the team